We bring your attention to this posting from ChessMail.com:
UltraCorr 2019 now on sale
With over 1,950,000 games, UltraCorr-2019 is the largest and most accurate correspondence chess game database ever published. The price for new customers is 55 Euro and up to 31 January people who bought our 2017 or 2018 versions can still buy it for €27.50.
There are many more games and considerable data improvements compared with our 2017 and 2018 versions including some additional historical games as well as recently played tournaments.
UltraCorr-2019 includes all the major ICCF tournaments which ChessBase advertise as selling points for their collection. It also includes games played with several other organisations.
Our latest update includes ICCF, FICGS, LSS and IECC games to December 2018, and BdF to September 2018 (the latest available). As usual, we have done an extensive re-edit of historic games various sources, correcting a lot of player and tournament metadata and eliminating thousands of duplicates, doubtful and spurious games which have found their way into last year’s release.
We kept a record of everyone who bought our various 2017 and 2018 UltraCorr releases. They have been contacted by email, and they alone, are entitled to the half-price offer which will expire at the end of January 2019. Should you be one of those past customers but your email address has changed, please let us know immediately
See further notes about the compilation and editing of UltraCorr-2019.
Even if you are not a correspondence player, you need a large and up-to-date CC database to discover the latest opening ideas, tested in deep analysis by strong players working in tandem with chess computers.
Many of the authors for the Quality Chess publishing company, for example, keep a close eye on developments in master correspondence chess and quote CC games in their books.
If you are a correspondence player, you also need UltraCorr2019 to find games by your upcoming opponents. You can prepare for your games by studying their opening repertoires and can use the database to find their weaknesses. Many CC lovers play with more than one organisation and sometimes under different versions of their name; we have done our best to standardise these. If you are searching for games by a new opponent, we recommend searching for surname and first initial.
If you are interested in the history of chess, and of CC in particular, you will also find that UltraCorr-2019 includes many thousands of games from the postal chess era which are hard to find elsewhere.
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