To join: make a $25 (or more) tax deductible donation to and we will send your log in details for one-year access. (It may take up to 72 hours to receive your log in.) In Trial by Tactics you are shown the position just before the tactic occurs and then asked to visualize the winning sequence. Thereby emulating a real game scenario. We intersperse these puzzles with endgame studies and chess problems to explore the broad spectrum of chess creativity. We recommend using Trial by Tactics in conjunction with the curriculum. A new puzzle is posted daily. Problems unite riddle, art, and science! [FEN “8/8/8/8/1k6/3R4/1K6/1Q6”] White mates in … [Read more...]
Archives for March 2021
Think Like Josef Kupper!
To join: make a $25 (or more) tax deductible donation to and we will send your log in details for one-year access. (It may take up to 72 hours to receive your log in.) In Trial by Tactics you are shown the position just before the tactic occurs and then asked to visualize the winning sequence. Thereby emulating a real game scenario. We intersperse these puzzles with endgame studies and chess problems to explore the broad spectrum of chess creativity. We recommend using Trial by Tactics in conjunction with the curriculum. A new puzzle is posted daily. Problems are the poetry of chess! [FEN “8/8/8/1p4P1/1N6/3B4/2K5/k7”] White mates in six. Today … [Read more...]
Think Like Fyodor Kapustin!
To join: make a $25 (or more) tax deductible donation to and we will send your log in details for one-year access. (It may take up to 72 hours to receive your log in.) In Trial by Tactics you are shown the position just before the tactic occurs and then asked to visualize the winning sequence. Thereby emulating a real game scenario. We intersperse these puzzles with endgame studies and chess problems to explore the broad spectrum of chess creativity. We recommend using Trial by Tactics in conjunction with the curriculum. A new puzzle is posted daily. An endgame study has the cultivated intensity of a short story. [FEN “4k2r/3ppp1p/8/8/8/8/KP6/R7”] White … [Read more...]
Play Like David Paravyan!
To join: make a $25 (or more) tax deductible donation to and we will send your log in details for one-year access. (It may take up to 72 hours to receive your log in.) In Trial by Tactics you are shown the position just before the tactic occurs and then asked to visualize the winning sequence. Thereby emulating a real game scenario. We intersperse these puzzles with endgame studies and chess problems to explore the broad spectrum of chess creativity. We recommend using Trial by Tactics in conjunction with the curriculum. A new puzzle is posted daily. Your daily chess quiz! [FEN “4rr1k/1pp3pp/3b4/p3Pp1q/2Qp4/PP1P4/2N2PPP/R4R1K b - - 0 21”] How did Black … [Read more...]
Play Like Alexandre Deschapelles!
To join: make a $25 (or more) tax deductible donation to and we will send your log in details for one-year access. (It may take up to 72 hours to receive your log in.) In Trial by Tactics you are shown the position just before the tactic occurs and then asked to visualize the winning sequence. Thereby emulating a real game scenario. We intersperse these puzzles with endgame studies and chess problems to explore the broad spectrum of chess creativity. We recommend using Trial by Tactics in conjunction with the curriculum. A new puzzle is posted daily. A tactic a day keeps the losses at bay! [FEN “5rk1/1R1bq1pp/4p1n1/3pP3/3P1PP1/r6P/4N2K/3Q1B1R b - - 0 … [Read more...]
Play Like Theo Van Scheltinga!
To join: make a $25 (or more) tax deductible donation to and we will send your log in details for one-year access. (It may take up to 72 hours to receive your log in.) In Trial by Tactics you are shown the position just before the tactic occurs and then asked to visualize the winning sequence. Thereby emulating a real game scenario. We intersperse these puzzles with endgame studies and chess problems to explore the broad spectrum of chess creativity. We recommend using Trial by Tactics in conjunction with the curriculum. A new puzzle is posted daily. Your daily chess quiz! [FEN “5r2/8/p2R2pk/2NPpb2/2P3n1/P1N5/6Kp/8 b - - 0 44”] How did Black bring an … [Read more...]
Play Like Siegbert Tarrasch!
To join: make a $25 (or more) tax deductible donation to and we will send your log in details for one-year access. (It may take up to 72 hours to receive your log in.) In Trial by Tactics you are shown the position just before the tactic occurs and then asked to visualize the winning sequence. Thereby emulating a real game scenario. We intersperse these puzzles with endgame studies and chess problems to explore the broad spectrum of chess creativity. We recommend using Trial by Tactics in conjunction with the curriculum. A new puzzle is posted daily. A tactic a day keeps the losses at bay! [FEN “kr6/q3b2p/2R1Q1p1/Pr1pP3/2p5/8/1P1B3P/2K1R3 b - - 0 … [Read more...]
Play Like Curt Von Bardeleben!
To join: make a $25 (or more) tax deductible donation to and we will send your log in details for one-year access. (It may take up to 72 hours to receive your log in.) In Trial by Tactics you are shown the position just before the tactic occurs and then asked to visualize the winning sequence. Thereby emulating a real game scenario. We intersperse these puzzles with endgame studies and chess problems to explore the broad spectrum of chess creativity. We recommend using Trial by Tactics in conjunction with the curriculum. A new puzzle is posted daily. Your daily chess quiz! [FEN “2kr1r2/ppp3p1/2n4p/2p5/P3q1P1/4BN2/BPP3P1/R1K1Q3 b - - 0 21”] How did Black … [Read more...]
Play Like Bachar Kouatly!
To join: make a $25 (or more) tax deductible donation to and we will send your log in details for one-year access. (It may take up to 72 hours to receive your log in.) In Trial by Tactics you are shown the position just before the tactic occurs and then asked to visualize the winning sequence. Thereby emulating a real game scenario. We intersperse these puzzles with endgame studies and chess problems to explore the broad spectrum of chess creativity. We recommend using Trial by Tactics in conjunction with the curriculum. A new puzzle is posted daily. Your daily chess quiz! [FEN “r5k1/pb1pqr2/1p2pn1Q/3nR3/3P4/3B2PN/PP4PP/5RK1 b - - 0 25”] How did … [Read more...]
Play Like Efim Geller!
To join: make a $25 (or more) tax deductible donation to and we will send your log in details for one-year access. (It may take up to 72 hours to receive your log in.) In Trial by Tactics you are shown the position just before the tactic occurs and then asked to visualize the winning sequence. Thereby emulating a real game scenario. We intersperse these puzzles with endgame studies and chess problems to explore the broad spectrum of chess creativity. We recommend using Trial by Tactics in conjunction with the curriculum. A new puzzle is posted daily. A tactic a day keeps the losses at bay! [FEN “1k5r/ppnr2pp/4p3/4Q3/1q6/6P1/PP3PBP/2R2RK1 w - - 0 22”] How … [Read more...]